Torquent eros tortor vel nunc ac vitae natoque dictumst, fringilla consequat fusce erat platea pretium risus fames bibendum, proin interdum dapibus maecenas ut mi luctus. Nulla at lacus interdum aliquet hendrerit eu phasellus non purus augue morbi placerat donec nostra, sapien posuere fusce viverra ullamcorper ultrices inceptos commodo vestibulum libero porta vitae.
Semantic HTML refers to a method of coding where HTML markup is used to emphasise the meaning or semantics of the existing content.
The Box Sizing property in CSS defines how developers should calculate the width and height of a box.
Content Box is when the default height and width get applied to the content of an element. The border and padding lie outside the box.
Padding Box is when the developer adds the dimensions to include the padding and content of the element. This adds a border outside the given box.
Border Box is when the box dimensions apply to the border, padding and content.