HSE Policy

Health, Occupational Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection Policy

AZFEN LLC places significant importance on the effective management of health, occupational safety, security, and environmental protection in its business activities. It commits to ensuring that no accidents will occur, no harm will come to individuals, and no damage will be caused to the environment. The company aims for continuous improvement in all these areas. AZFEN LLC takes full responsibility for environmental protection, the health of its employees, the safety of its operations, and ensuring occupational safety and security. To achieve these commitments, AZFEN LLC will:

  • Comply with all legal requirements and, as its minimum standard, adhere to AZFEN LLC's policy on health, occupational safety, security, and environmental protection;
  • Ensure that health, occupational safety, security, and environmental impacts are adequately considered in its business decisions, continuing to implement high standards as part of the effective management of its business activities;
  • Develop, implement, and maintain a management system for health, occupational safety, security, and environmental protection in accordance with AZFEN LLC principles;
  • Provide training and raise awareness among its employees on Health, Occupational Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection, recognizing it as a key condition for achieving the main objectives in these areas;
  • Implement a strict process for risk assessment and risk management;
  • Develop procedures that primarily include:
    • Safe and health- and environment-friendly equipment and work systems;
    • Appropriate measures for identifying, using, loading-unloading, storing, and transporting products and materials;
    • Identifying and managing transportation risks;
    • Food Safety and Occupational Health and Hygiene Programs;
    • Providing appropriate information, instructions, training, and supervision to ensure that work is carried out safely and without risk to the environment by competent individuals;
    • Safe and sustainable buildings and workplaces, including safe and reliable working conditions equipped with adequate sanitary facilities;
    • Plans that account for safe work practices during preparation, construction, and post-operation periods, including impacts on the environment, decommissioning, and disposal during the operational period;
    • Guiding and supporting suppliers to participate in enhancing our overall performance in health, occupational safety, security, and environmental protection;
    • Preventing the release of pollutants into the atmosphere, soil, and water;
    • Efficient use of natural resources;
    • Controlling situations that may cause noise, dust, odor, vibration, traffic movement, or other disruptions to communities or the environment;
    • Managing waste reduction and disposal, including recycling where appropriate;
  • Develop and review ongoing performance indicators to ensure the provision of health, occupational safety, security, and environmental protection;
  • Investigate the root causes of incidents and implement corrective actions to prevent their recurrence;

AZFEN LLC's Project Managers and Site Managers are collectively responsible for the implementation of this policy and will take full responsibility for all health, occupational safety, security, and environmental protection matters. All employees share collective and personal responsibility for the implementation of this policy.


Hamid Hasanov

General Manager of AZFEN LLC

This document was signed in January 2024

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AZFEN LLC places significant importance on the effective management of health, occupational safety, security, and environmental protection in its business activities. It commits to ensuring that no accidents will occur, no harm will come to individuals, and no damage will be caused to the environment. The company aims for continuous improvement in all these areas. AZFEN LLC takes full responsibility for environmental protection, the health of its employees, the safety of its operations, and ensuring occupational safety and security. To achieve these commitments, AZFEN LLC will:

  • It is AZFEN LLC Policy to commit itself achieving and maintaining safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors. This means an environment which protects well-being and is free from the effects of alcohol and drug abuse.
  • AZFEN LLC is aware that abuse (or misuse) of alcohol, drugs and other illegal substances, by employees, negatively affects their duty of an efficient job performance and can have serious undesired consequences for themselves, the safety, efficiency and productivity of the other employees and the whole of the company.
  • The use, possession, distribution or sale of alcohol and/or illegal drugs and controlled non-prescription substances on AZFEN LLC owned, leased or operated premises or when conducted business on AZFEN LLC behalf is strictly prohibited.
  • AZFEN LLC will set up and maintain a substance abuse awareness campaign to ensure a high level of awareness for employees and recognition of early signs of substance abuse for management.
  • Those who recognize to be under effect of above substances, are encouraged to seek medical advice and follow all appropriate treatments without delay and before that their state could adversely affect their ability to work and harmful their own safety, colleagues and third parties.
  • AZFEN LLC reserves the right to check employees/contractors/subcontractors for substance abuse during pre- employment and periodical medical assessments, post-incident/accident, random, reasonable suspicion and in other required circumstances.
  • Any employee who tests positive for the presence of prohibited substances will be in violation of this policy and will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.
  • Any employee, who refuses to undergo a test, required by this policy; adulterates or makes a substitution of a requested specimen, will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.
  • AZFEN LLC Project Managers and Site Managers have overall responsibility for implementing this policy.

AZFEN LLC's Project Managers and Site Managers are collectively responsible for the implementation of this policy and will take full responsibility for all health, occupational safety, security, and environmental protection matters. All employees share collective and personal responsibility for the implementation of this policy.


Hamid Hasanov

General Director of AZFEN LLC

This document was signed in January 2024

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